Notes from Tillandsia II: Tillandsia butzii
When our co-founder, Paul Isley, wrote Tillandsia II, his comprehensive guide to Tillandsia species, cultivars, and hybrids, we never imagined what a phenomenon it would become. We've heard from thousands of plant lovers about how Paul's book influenced their journey into hobbyist or professional horticulture.
To celebrate the legacy of Tillandsia II, we will be sharing excerpts here, one plant at a time. If you're new to Tillandsia, we hope it will spark a lifelong love. –the Rainforest Flora Team
Tillandsia butzii
Mez; 1935
Subgenus: Tillandsia
Tillandsia butzii was described for a German with the surname of Butz, but more information regarding him has yet to come to light.
Tillandsia butzii grows epiphytically in open habitats at elevations of 1,000-2,300 meters. It is found from southern Mexico to Panama. Tillandsia butzii has perhaps garnered the title of "strangest looking Tillandsia."
The inflated base of the pseudobulb is speckled dark brown and green. The blades are filiform-attenuate, subulate, and from wavy to severely contorted. All of this combines to create an image that almost seems to frighten some souls. Because of its ability to elicit this emotional response, T. butzii is a species that many people either enjoy or strongly dislike.
The leaf sheaths are suborbicular (almost round). They often appear nearly glabrous but are actually covered with finely appressed, cinereous trichomes. The sheath margins have large scales that look like so many cilia. An average size adult measures about 35 cm across between blade tips and 18 cm in height.
The scape is erect and slender, and the scape bracts are foliaceous (leaf-like). The carmine inflorescence is digitate (fingerlike; shaped like an open hand). The bloom spikes are erect to spreading, linear (long, sides parallel), complanate, and thin. The imbricate floral bracts have an indumentum of finely appressed scales. The corollas are violet.
Because Tillandsia butzii is not normally covered with a dense indumentum of trichomes but like many similar appearing species, the plant requires more humidity and moisture. Likewise, this species does not need as much light.
Many collectors have experienced the following problem with Tillandsia butzii. If they do not water their plant often, it rapidly desiccates; if they do water the plant frequently, it seems to rot—an apparently "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation.
By cultivating the plant like Tillandsia atroviridipetala Matuda, in a horizontal or upside-down position, one can water it frequently without having to worry about water collecting inside the pseudobulb at the meristem of the plant—a probable cause of the rot. Tillandsia magnusiana Wittmach, T. matudae L.B. Smith, T. oaxacana L.B. Smith, T. macdougallii L.B. Smith, and T. schiedeana are others that should be mounted similarly.
This is a somewhat more difficult plant to maintain indoors, let alone grow—usually because of a lack of humidity. Outdoors in a patio situation or under a tree where Tillandsia butzii receives sufficient humidity and moisture, the plant will flourish. Experience has also shown that Tillandsia butzii is much easier to grow once it has developed into a clump. At this stage, it is almost indestructible.
Tillandsia butzii is a good companion plant for T. bulbosa, T. cyanea, and T. filifolia. This species grows well in conditions of medium to low light combined with frequent watering.