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Tillandsia baileyi 'Halley's Comet'

Tillandsia baileyi 'Halley's Comet'

Regular price $4.00 USD
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Discover Tillandsia baileyi 'Halley's Comet', a unique viviparous form of the Lone Star airplant:

  • Distinctive trait: Viviparous growth habit
  • Impressive development: Forms large, celestial-like clumps over time
  • Unique propagation: Produces offsets from the inflorescence

Key features:

  • Celestial appearance: Clumping habit resembles a comet's tail
  • Continuous growth: Offsets emerge from both base and bloom spikes
  • Low-maintenance: Self-propagating nature reduces need for manual division

Scientific note: Vivipary in Tillandsia:

  • Allows for rapid colonization of favorable habitats
  • Provides young plants with nutrients from the mother plant
  • Increases survival rate of offspring in challenging environments

Care tip: Allow offsets to remain attached until they're at least 1/3 the size of the mother plant for best results

Ideal for: Collectors seeking unique growth habits, those who enjoy watching plants evolve over time, and fans of self-propagating species.

Transform your airplant display into a living cosmos with Tillandsia baileyi 'Halley's Comet'. Watch as it creates its own celestial system of offsets.

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