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Tillandsia 'Houston'

Tillandsia 'Houston'

Regular price $5.50 USD
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Discover Tillandsia 'Houston', an exceptional hybrid that has captivated airplant enthusiasts for decades:

Parentage: Tillandsia stricta × Tillandsia recurvifolia
Origin: Created by Mark A. Dimmitt in the 1980s
Distinctive traits: Combines vigor and rosette form of T. stricta with the silvery coloration of T. recurvifolia
Classification: Grey tillandsia (adapted to drier, more exposed habitats)

Key features:

  • Vibrant foliage: Bright silvery-green leaves form an attractive rosette
  • Impressive size: Grows larger than either parent species
  • Stunning blooms: Light purple inflorescences with violaceous to white, funnel-shaped flowers
  • Adaptable nature: Thrives in various mounting options (wood, stone, terrariums)
  • Prolific propagator: Produces multiple pups after blooming

Appearance: As seen in the image, 'Houston' forms a symmetrical rosette of long, slender leaves. The foliage displays a beautiful gradient from bright lime green at the center to silvery-green at the tips. Each leaf curves gracefully outward, creating a living sculpture that catches light beautifully. The plant's form is both elegant and dynamic, with a slight wild quality to its outermost leaves.

Scientific note: This hybrid demonstrates:

  • The successful combination of desirable traits from two distinct Tillandsia species
  • Adaptation to drier environments through increased trichomes (absorbent scales) on leaves
  • The potential for creating larger, more vigorous plants through selective breeding

Care tips:

  • Light: Provide very bright, indirect light
  • Water: Mist 2-3 times weekly or soak occasionally, allowing to dry completely between waterings
  • Fertilizer: Use a dilute orchid or tillandsia fertilizer every other watering during growing season
  • Mounting: Can be tied or glued to wood, stone, or incorporated into dry to moderately humid terrariums

Ideal for:

  • Collectors seeking a classic, time-tested Tillandsia hybrid
  • Those who appreciate plants with both attractive foliage and striking blooms
  • Enthusiasts looking for larger, more vigorous airplant specimens
  • Growers interested in propagation, as 'Houston' readily produces offsets

Display recommendation: The impressive size and silvery coloration of 'Houston' make it an excellent focal point in airplant displays. Consider mounting it where its full, radial form can be appreciated from all angles, and where its spectacular blooms can be easily admired when they appear.

Bring a piece of Tillandsia breeding history to your collection with Tillandsia 'Houston'. Experience the joy of nurturing this vigorous hybrid, watching as it grows into an impressive specimen crowned with its signature colorful blooms.

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