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Tillandsia 'Houston Flaming Spire'

Tillandsia 'Houston Flaming Spire'

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Discover Tillandsia 'Houston Flaming Spire', an exceptional and elusive variant of the renowned 'Houston' hybrid:

Parentage: Likely Tillandsia stricta × Tillandsia recurvifolia (standard 'Houston' parentage)
Origin: A select, larger clone of Mark Dimmitt's famous 'Houston' hybrid
Distinctive traits: Significantly larger size and rarer availability than standard 'Houston' 
Size: Can grow to over 30cm (12 inches) in diameter

Key features:

  • Impressive size: Substantially larger than the typical 'Houston' hybrid
  • Striking form: Symmetrical rosette of long, slender leaves
  • Rare specimen: Limited availability adds to its collector's appeal
  • Patience-rewarding: Slow to bloom, building anticipation for its spectacular display
  • Stunning inflorescence: When it finally blooms, produces a large, deep rose flower spike

'Houston Flaming Spire' forms a perfect, symmetrical rosette of long, slender leaves. Each silvery-green leaf radiates outward from the center, creating a living sculpture reminiscent of a starburst or sea urchin. The leaves have a slight curl at the tips, adding to the plant's dynamic appearance. While not in bloom in this photo, imagine the contrast when its large, deep rose inflorescence finally emerges after years of patient waiting.

Scientific note: This variant demonstrates:

  • The potential for selecting larger, more impressive specimens within established hybrid lines
  • How subtle genetic variations can result in plants with enhanced size and delayed flowering
  • The ongoing evolution of popular Tillandsia hybrids to suit different aesthetic preferences

Care tip: Due to its larger size, 'Houston Flaming Spire' may require more frequent watering than smaller Tillandsia. Provide bright, indirect light and excellent air circulation. Mist thoroughly 2-3 times a week or soak for 30-40 minutes every 1-2 weeks, ensuring it dries completely between waterings. Patience is key, as this variety may take many years to bloom.

Ideal for:

  • Serious collectors seeking rare, large-growing Tillandsia specimens
  • Those who appreciate the anticipation of long-awaited blooms
  • Enthusiasts looking for statement pieces in their airplant displays
  • Growers with space for larger specimens who want to make a bold impact

Display recommendation: The impressive size and perfect symmetry of 'Houston Flaming Spire' make it an ideal centerpiece for airplant arrangements. Consider mounting it where its full, radial form can be appreciated from all angles, with space to accommodate its potential 12-inch diameter.

Bring a touch of airplant royalty to your collection with Tillandsia 'Houston Flaming Spire'. Experience the joy of nurturing this rare giant, patiently awaiting the day when its namesake "flaming spire" of deep rose blooms finally emerges to crown your dedication.

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