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Tillandsia 'Wonga'

Tillandsia 'Wonga'

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Discover Tillandsia 'Wonga', an elegant hybrid that beautifully blends the best traits of its distinguished parents.

Parentage: Tillandsia mallemontii × Tillandsia duratii
Distinctive traits: Combines the fine, curling leaves of both parents with a robust, branching structure
Availability: Unique hybrid created by Margaret Paterson in Australia

Key features:

  • Striking form: Long, slender stem adorned with numerous curling, silver-green leaves
  • Impressive inflorescence: Produces a long, branching flower spike reminiscent of T. duratii
  • Adaptable growth: Likely rootless in adult form, perfect for hanging or mounted displays
  • Compact yet dramatic: Combines the fine texture of T. mallemontii with the more robust habit of T. duratii
  • Botanical curiosity: Interestingly lacks the fragrance characteristic of both parent species

Appearance: 'Wonga' forms an elegant, elongated structure with a central stem from which numerous fine, curling leaves emerge. The foliage exhibits a silvery-green coloration, creating a soft, ethereal presence. Its form captures the graceful curl of T. duratii while incorporating the more compact, tangled nature of T. mallemontii.

Collector's Note: This hybrid, created by Margaret Paterson in Australia, exemplifies the art of combining seemingly contrasting Tillandsia species. It offers a fascinating study in genetic expression, particularly how traits like fragrance can be unexpectedly lost in hybridization.

Care tip: Provide bright, indirect light to maintain its form and encourage blooming. Water 2-3 times a week by misting thoroughly or soaking for 20-30 minutes, ensuring the plant dries completely within 4 hours. Its likely rootless nature in adulthood means excellent air circulation is crucial.

Ideal for:

  • Collectors seeking unique Tillandsia hybrids with interesting genetic expressions
  • Enthusiasts of plants with dramatic, sculptural forms
  • Those who appreciate the artistry of combining contrasting parent species
  • Designers creating dynamic, hanging airplant displays

Display recommendation: The elongated, curling form of 'Wonga' makes it perfect for suspended displays where its graceful structure can be fully appreciated. Consider hanging it from fishing line or fine wire to create the illusion of it floating in space. Its robust nature also makes it suitable for mounting on larger pieces of driftwood or cork bark, where it can drape elegantly.

Embrace the unexpected with Tillandsia 'Wonga'. Nurture this fascinating hybrid and marvel at its unique combination of parental traits - from its elegant, curling form to its surprising lack of fragrance. This airplant offers not just beauty but a living lesson in the complexities and surprises of plant genetics, making it a true conversation piece for collectors and enthusiasts alike.

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